Тествайте английски неправилни глаголи тест 1

Test your English irregular verbs easy English

This is the first quiz in a series of quizzes about English Irregular Verbs. The scoring is simple, 2 point for a good answer 0 points for a wrong one. Do not feel bad about yourself if you made some or even many errors. All of us have the ability to learn and especially speak a second language. New quizzes are added daily.

Go ahead you can do it. A copy of your results will be sent to your email address after you completed the test.

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You must specify a text.

Test your English irregular verbs easy English

This is the first quiz in a series of quizzes about English Irregular Verbs. The scoring is simple, 2 point for a good answer 0 points for a wrong one. Do not feel bad about yourself if you made some or even many errors. All of us have the ability to learn and especially speak a second language. New quizzes are added daily.

Go ahead you can do it. A copy of your results will be sent to your email address after you completed the test.

You must specify a text.
You must specify a text.

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